Acharya Rajan Sharma, Master of Vedic Astrology (MA), was born in Nepal as a member of a Spiritual family. From a young age, he appreciated the precious gifts of being able to share compassion and knowledge to serve and sacrifice to humanity. He completed his first Master degree in Economics/Mathematics from Tribhuwan University in Nepal at the very young age of 22 years. Soon after achieving his first Masters degree, he again successfully pursued a Masters degree in the ancient science of Vedic Astrology and also a Masters Degree in Mass Communication (Journalism). His parents and grandparents had a great influence in his knowledge of astrology and spiritualism throughout his upbringing. He was given the opportunity to research, practice and experience several spiritual and scientific philosophies throughout Nepal, India, China, Thailand, Europe, Canada, Australia and Middle East Countries both in temples and monasteries.
Astrological skill
His academically sound astrological art allows him to predict accurate outcomes, address a myriad of problems and suggest genuine remedies for the concerns of thousands people around the world. He has been associated with Vedic Astrology and the spiritual path for more than fifteen years. He is a practicing palmist, Vaastu expert and also a spiritual teacher in many countries in the world. He worked as a lecturer and consultant in a number of various universities, educational institutes in Nepal and India. Currently he is affiliated with a renowned University of Technology - UTS, Sydney. He was also selected as a consultant in designing a Vedic Astrological course with the context of Australian Vocational Education System. He is the official Consultant Astrologer for the Indian governments official promotional centre” India Tourism” in Sydney since 2007.
Creation & Awards
He has written a number of astrological and sociological research articles along with the production of television documentaries and short films. He has been honored with various significant awards in Nepal, Australia and U.A.E., which can be observed in his photography profile. He has been appreciated in his profession by many reputable personalities around the world; details of which can be seen under the testimonials title. His capacity for blending ancient knowledge and modern technology with the tools of both western and eastern perception makes him an authentic and genuine professional up-to-date astrologer. He was a popular personality in Nepal Television (NTV) as well as various Nepali print and electronic media. He now regularly appears on Australian TV channel “TVS” and community radio stations as an eastern philosophy interpreter in Sydney.
Charity works
He is also known as Bhimsen Sapkota in his media career. The bulk of his income goes to an orphanage center through which he has fully supported a group of homeless and abandoned orphanage children (Shishu-Nepal) in Nepal since 1999 .This precious effort enables those needy children to acquire an education and look forward to a brighter future.
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